Novel Writing Workshop

Calling all Novelists

It’s time to get started on that novel you’ve always wanted to write!

Local author David E. Feldman will be hosting a four-week Novel Writing Workshop consisting of a half hour talk, focusing on craft, after which attendees will work on their projects. The last week will feature participants reading their work.

Date and Time:
Sundays • 1:45PM - 2:45PM
April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, 2024

Magnolia Senior/Community Center
650 Magnolia Boulevard, 2nd floor
Long Beach, NY

  • The Novel Writing Workshop will include:

    Developing your concept:
    What do you want to write? Genre fiction, literary fiction, memoirs. Subgenres. Your personal stake or relationship to your story. Your story is your own. Your logline: your story in a sentence.

    Creating your universe
    From concept to premise. What is the situation at the start of your novel? What will be the situation at the end of your novel?
    Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser”

    Who are your primary characters and what are their conflicts and arcs?
    Protagonists, antagonists, sidekicks, adversaries, and supporting characters.What are their backstories? Motivations? Goals? What is a character arc?
    First person, second person, third person. Omnicient vs limited perspectives.

    Story Structure and Process:
    You and your process: write, write, write!
    “Spew & edit.”

    A note about what is hidden and “big reveals”
    Setting your scenes/sequences. Narration, action & dialogue.
    How to write dialogue. Interior monologue.

    Inciting Incident and 3 Act Structure.Act 1 (Setup): Beginning/Prologue, Inciting Incident, Second Thoughts, Climax of Act 1
    Act II (Confrontation): Ascending action throughout. Obstacle, Obstacle, Midpoint/Big Twist. Obstacle. Disaster. Crisis. Climax. Reversal? Another twist or reveal?
    Act III (Resolution): Constant climax, followed by descending action, wrap-up, epilogue, end.

  • David E. Feldman has written 10, soon to be 11, books of his own and ghost-written many others. He has made several films, won 2 film awards and was a winner of a playwriting contest in 2022. His first in series Not Today - Dora Ellison Mystery Book 1 was a Best Mystery 2022 Killer Nashville Claymore finalist and was followed by five more Dora books. His novel The Neighborhood was a 2023 finalist for The Book Excellence Awards. He also writes essays and articles both digitally and for print.


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